Well a lot has happened since my last entry here...
I started a new job in the end of February - I now work as the Web Manager for the Canyons School District. I am loving it! The people are great to work with and it's fun to be a part of building a new school district. Even though I have to wear a tie everyday, except Fridays now (YAY!), there is a fun atmosphere - everyone rides scooters around the office.
From March 2009 |
Eliza turned 5 years old last month, and she is just growing up, not only physically, but mentally as well. She has started to read and Angela and I are just amazed because we haven't really pushed her towards it, she is just doing it on her own. Just this past Saturday we took off the training wheels on her bike and so now I am teaching her how to ride her bike.
From March 2009 |
Patrick still loves super heros and star wars like no other. He runs around the house with his red cape singing the superman theme music - I love it! Then he and I will have light-saber fights with the foam swords we have. Playing with Patrick makes me feel like a kid again and allows me to not look like a weirdo who plays with foam swords by myself :)
From March 2009 |
Angela and I are really working hard to improve the home. We are finishing up remodeling Eliza and Patrick's room, and now we are starting on the nursery. We are working extremely hard to get out of debt and prepare for the future. It helps so much to communicate and I really feel like we are on the same page in all aspects of our home and family life. She is teaching piano and playing the occasional jazz gig.
From March 2009 |
WOW! Three kids, Aaron and I better get crackin'. Can't wait to see you guys again. Angela said she'd teach me piano lessons when we moved back, not too sure she will now with her hands full. I'm happy you have such a nice family. - Niki
Thanks Niki - We are excited to see you guys too, and I am sure if Ang isn't too busy with the kids and all she'd love to teach you piano.
I can't believe how big Eliza is getting. 5 yrs old already! Time really does fly by. How fun. Congrats again on the new baby!
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